Title: The Letter
Sometimes it's the most simple element in a work that takes the most time and thought. In the case of The Letter, that element would be the letter itself to make sure the paper was in proper perspective. I'm quite happy with the outcome and feel the time spent was well worth the effort as the letter lays nice and flat on the surface.
Medium: Acrylic
Completion date: June 2008
Support & size: 8 1/2” x 11” Watercolor Paper
Status: Sold

Title: Amulet on Lace
Shown here is a painted lace study on watercolor paper using only two colors: payne's gray and titanium white. The amulet was originally intended to be the only element in color, but as a last minute decision, I chose to keep the palette limited.
Completion date: June 2008
Support & size: 8 1/2” x 11” Watercolor Paper
Status: Available for Purchase

Title: Quiet Nook
One of the most difficult things to paint or draw, in my opinion, are chairs! The perspective, if not done right, will make everything look wonky. This painting, considering the challenges, thankfully came together nicely!
Completion date: June 2008
Support & size: 5" x 7" Canvas Panel
Status: SOLD

Title: Pumpkin and Mums
This painting was based on a combination of photographs taken by my sister.
Medium: AcrylicCompletion date: October 2008
Support & size: 16" x 20" Wrapped Canvas
Status: SOLD

Title: Sunflower Bursts
As I worked on this painting, when I was just past the blocking in stage, I made a decision to not over-paint the sunflowers. Ordinarily, I would add much more detail and realism, but I loved the fresh, bold and spontaneous look of these after the initial strokes.
Completion date: April 2009
Support & size: 16" x 20" Wrapped Canvas
Status: SOLD

Title: Christmas Cactus
Painted as a gift for a friend for Christmas. Thanks to WetCanvas member Salairawns for the reference photo which can be found here: www.wetcanvas.com/RefLib/showphoto.php?photo=24967
Completion date: December 2008
Support & size: 8" c 10" Canvas Panel
Status: Private Collection

Title: Enchanted
exquisite rose was photographed by a fellow artist, Deb Brookshier, who
generously allowed me to paint it.
Perfection is the way I would describe this enchanting rose. My greatest
challenge was to capture its delicacy, the luminosity and translucence of the
pedals and the same dramatic contrasts Deb did in her photo, with paint.
Deb’s photos and artwork can be seen on-line
at: www.debspainting.com.
Completion date: June 2008
Support & size: 8 1/2” x 11” Watercolor Paper
Status: Sold